Tigers Cheerleading!

"Wimps lift weights, cheerleaders lift people."

Spina Bifida Car Wash!

Reminder- The annual car wash is coming up on Friday! We are raising money to support Spina bifida! Also, the 'Tigerpaw' game is on Friday, November 18th, supporting Breast Cancer! ♥

Spina bifida- Literally means split spine, every year thousands of babies die. This organization supports getting mothers the medicine before and during the pregnancy to prevent this could be fatal birth defect.

God Bless Your Day!  
Kaci & Aubree!

Pep Rally!

It's our favorite time of the year again, girls! The annual Tigers football Pep Rally is coming up soon!
Your second captain, Kaci, is coming up with a badass dance routine, as well as a killer dance mix. If you have ideas as to what songs to put into the mix, please let her know!!

Also, check out the cheer page, and read up on the cheers! This is a MANDATORY event, showing our school pride! If, for some reason, you cannot make it to the pep rally, or homecoming football game, please, don't wait until the last minute to tell me, Kaci, or Coach!
Go Tigers! 
Kaci & Aubree!